심플뉴스: 두 번의 클릭으로 뉴스를!

by Immanuel Kant

News & Magazines


Simple News, as the name of the app, is a simple app to view news.View the news quickly and easily with two touches!App icon attribute:"Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com"Icon attributes:"Icon made by Javier Danglada from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by rizal2109 from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by HussainDev-Icon from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by arnikahossain from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Laisa Islam Anifrom www.flaticon.com""Icon made by rizal2109 from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by popo2021 from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by ArtBit from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Md Tanvirul Haquefrom www.flaticon.com""Icon made by icon_smallfrom www.flaticon.com""Icon made by yukyik from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Rakib Hassan Rahim from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Kian Bonanno from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by yukyik from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Tanvirul Haque from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by NajmunNahar from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by riajulislam from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Hight Quality Icons from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by shohanur.rahman13 from www.flaticon.com"Splash Screen attributes: Joanes AnduezaApp Screen shot attributes:https://previewed.app/template/467BFDA4 App Screen shot icon attribute:"Icon made by Hight Quality Icons from www.flaticon.com""Icon made by Kiranshastry from www.flaticon.com"